Sandrine Blanchemanche


Sandrine Blanchemanche

En disponibilité




Thèmes de recherche

Risque, incertitude, comportement, méthode expérimentale, politique publique


Liste des principales publications avec résumés, liens ou accès direct à leur texte complet (Source Hal-Inrae base de données institutionnelle des chercheurs de l'INRAE)


Blanchemanche, S., Cornuéjols, A., Rona-Tas, A., Duroy, A., MARTIN, C.
Enlisting supervised machine learning in mapping scientific uncertainty expressed in food risk analysis
A paraître in : Sociological Methods and Research Journal.


Bohan, D. A. ; Landuyt, D. ; Ma, A. ; Macfadyen, S. ; Martinet, V. ; Massol, F. ; Mclnerny, G. ; Montoya, J. M. ; Mulder, C. ; Pascual, U. ; Pocock, M. J. ; White, P. ; Blanchemanche, S. ; Bonkowski, M. ; Bretagnolle, V. ; Brönmark, C. ; Dicks, L. V. ; Dumbrell, A. ; Friberg, N. ; Gessner, M. O. ; Gill, R. J. ; Gray, C. ; Haughton, A. ; Ibanez, S. ; Jensen, J. ; Jeppesen, E. ; Jokela, J. ; Lacroix, G. ; Lannou, C. ; Lavorel, S. ; Le Galliard, J.-F. ; Lescourret, F. ; Liu, S. ; Loeuille, N. ; Mc Laughlin, O. ; Muggleton, S. ; Peñuelas, J. ; Petanidou, T. ; Petit, S. ; Pomati, F. ; Raffaelli, D. ; Rasmussen, J. ; Raybould, A. ; Reboud, X. ; Richard, G. ; Scherber, C. ; Scheu, S. ; Sutherland, W. J. ; Tamaddoni-Nezhad, A. ; ter Braak, C. ; Termansen, M. ; Thompson, M. S. ; Tscharntke, T. ; Vacher, C. ; van der Geest, H. ; Voigt, W. ; Vonk, J. A. ; Zhou, X. ; Woodward, G. ; QUINTESSENCE Consortium
Networking our way to better ecosystem service provision
In : Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 2016, 31 (2) : 105-115.
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Roosen J., Bieberstein A., Blanchemanche S., Goddard E., Marette S., Vandermoere F.
Trust and willingness to pay for nanotechnology food
In : Food Policy, 2015, vol. 52, pp. 75-83.
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J.C. Augustin, T. Bayeux, S. Blanchemanche, L. Bonnaud, O. Cerf, E. Feinblatt, F. Gauchard , M. Gautier, L. Guillier, N. Jourdan, P. Kooh, T. Meyer, A. Mimouni, L. Nabec, M. Sanaa, L.G. Soler, I. Villena
Information des consommateurs en matière de prévention des risques biologiques liés aux aliments : Tome 2 – Évaluation de l’efficacité des stratégies de communication
in : Anses, Rapport d’expertise collective, octobre 2015
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C. Feidt, J.C. Amiard, M. Babut, P.M. Badot, S. Blanchemanche, V.Camel, B. Le Bizec, J.F. Narbonne, G. Riviere, A.C. Roudot, C. Vigreux-Besret, J.P. Vernoux
Consommation de poissons d’eau douce et PCB : aspects réglementaires, méthodologiques et sanitaires
Anses, Rapport d’expertise collective, Juillet 2015
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J.C. Augustin, T. Bayeux, S. Blanchemanche, L. Bonnaud, O. Cerf, E. Feinblatt, F. Gauchard , M. Gautier, L. Guillier, N. Jourdan, P. Kooh, T. Meyer, A. Mimouni, L. Nabec, M. Sanaa, L.G. Soler, I. Villena
Information des consommateurs en matière de prévention des risques biologiques liés aux aliments : Tome 1 – Hiérarchisation des couples danger/aliment et état des lieux des mesures d’information
in : Anses, Rapport d’expertise collective, mai 2014
Document à télécharger au format pdf...

Maxim L, Grabar N., Blanchemanche S., Van der Sluijs J., Rona-Tas A.
Développement d’une boîte à outils pour l’analyse de l’incertitude et de la qualité de la connaissance, dans les évaluations des risques des perturbateurs endocriniens : application à l’étude de cas du Bisphenol-A
in : Rapport Programme national de Recherches sur les Perturbateurs Endocriniens, Ministère de l’Ecologie et du Développement Durable, Novembre 2014


Marette S., Blanchemanche S., Roosen J.
Multiple equilibria with a multiple price list
in : Applied Economic Letters, (2013), Vol.20, Issue 8, pp. 809-812.

Bieberstein A., Roosen J, Marette S., Banchemanche S., Vandermoere F.
Consumer choices for nano-food and nano-packaging in France and Germany
in : European Review of Agricultural Economics, (2013), vol. 40, n° 1. pp. 73–94.

Blanchemanche S., Bierberstein A., Marette S. Roosen J., Vandermoere F.
NanoFoods: At the Crossroad of Economic Promises, Scientific Uncertainty and Consumer Skepticism
BIT’s World Congress of Nutrition & Health, Dalian-China, Oct 12-14, 2013.

Blanchemanche S., Feurer C., Christieans, Marette S., Roosen J.
The paradox of naturalness. Consumer Perception of Biopreservation
at the IFT 2013, Chicago, July13-16.

Blanchemanche S., Cornuéjols A., Duroy A., Martin C., Rona-Tas A.
Risk and Uncertainty: Ontologies and Methods
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 23-25 January 2013, (European Sociological Association)

Blanchemanche S., Tello R., Treich N.
L'analyse socio-économique à l'appui des politiques de gestion des risques sanitaires des aliments
in : Notes et études socio-économiques, (2012), n°36, Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Agroalimentaire et de la Forêt.

Dhanjal C., Blanchemanche S., Clémençon S., Rona-Tas A., Rossi F.
Dissemination of Heath Information within Social Networks
in : Vedres B. (ed.), The Unexpected Link: Using Network Science to Tackle Social Problems, (2012), Oxford University Press.

Bieberstein A., Vandermoere F., Roosen J., Blanchemanche S., Marette S.
Revisiting Social Trust with Regard to Gendered Perception of New Food Technologies: The Case of Nanofood
in: Psychology of Trust, Nova Science Publishers.

Matin A., Goddard E., Vandermoere F., Banchemanche S., Roosen J., Marette S.,
Do environmental attitudes and food technology neophobia affect perceptions of the benefits of nanotechnology?
in : International Journal of Consumer Studies, (2012), 36, 149-157.

Blanchemanche S., Dervaux S., Dibie-Barthelemy J., Feinblatt Meleze E., Ibanescu L., Rona-Tas A. and Soler L.
The role of scientific uncertainty in food risk analysis process
Oral presentation at EFFoST Annual Meeting, Montpellier, France, 20-23 November 2012

Roosen J., Bieberstein A., Marette S., Blanchemanche S., Vandermoere F.
The effect of information choice and discussion on consumers‘ Willingness-to-Pay for Nanotechnologies
in : Food, Journal of Agricutural and Resource Economics, (2011), vol. 36, n° 2, pp. 364-374.

Vandermoere, F., Blanchemanche, S., Bieberstein, A., Marette, S., & Roosen, J.
The public understanding of nanotechnology in the food domain: the hidden role of views on science, technology and nature
in : Public Understanding of Science, (2011), vol. 20, n° 2. pp. 195-206.

Marette S., Roosen J., Blanchemanche S.
The Combination of lab and field experiments for benefit-cost analysis
in : Journal of Benefit - Cost Analysis, (2011), vol. 2, n° 3. pp. 1-34.

Blanchemanche S.
Communicating Uncertainties between Risk Managers and Risk Assessors
Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition Symposium “Mitigating Consequences of an Outbreak/Adverse Effects, Washington, April 27-28, 2011 - INVITED SPEAKER

Blanchemanche S.
Food Risk, Communication and Consumer Behaviors
Global  Foodborne Infections Network, GFN/WHO, Yaoundé (Cameroon), February 1 - 2011 INVITED SPEAKER

Blanchemanche S.
Does health information change behavior?
Risk and Society Network, Sciences Po-IFRISS Seminars, January 7, Paris - INVITED SPEAKER

Bieberstein, A. ; Blanchemanche, S. ; Marette, S. ; Roosen, J. ; Vandermoere, F.
Des consommateurs entre indifférence et méfiance : comportements français et allemands face à une possible introduction des nanotechnologies dans le secteur agro-alimentaire
in : INRA Sciences Sociales, n° 1. 4p.

Blanchemanche S., Marette S., Roosen J., Verger P.
Rational choice regulation and risk communication. Uncertainty transfer from risk assessment to public
in : Health Risk & Society, (2010), vol. 12, n° 3. pp. 271-292.

Vandermoere, F., Blanchemanche, S., Bieberstein, A., Marette, S., & Roosen, J.
The morality of attitudes toward nanotechnology: About God, techno-scientific progress, and interfering with nature
in : Journal of Nanoparticle Research, (2010), vol.12, n° 2. pp. 373-381

Marette, S., Roosen, J., Blanchemanche, S., Feinblatt-Mélèze E.
Functional Food, Uncertainty and Consumers' Choices: A Lab Experiment with Enriched Yogurts for Lowering Cholesterol
in : Food Policy, (2010), vol. 35, n° 5. pp. 419-428

Marette S., Roosen J., Bieberstein A., Blanchemanche S., Vandermoere F.
Impact of Environmental, Societal and Health Information on Consumers' Choices for NanoFood
in : Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization, (2010), Vol. 7, n° .2, Article 11.

Roosen, J. ; Marette, S. ; Blanchemanche, S.
 Value elicitation using BDM and a discrete choice mechanism
Economics Bulletin, (2010), vol. 30, n° 2. pp. 1554-1563

Blanchemanche S., E. Feinblatt-Mélèze, A. Rona-Tas
Cognitive Demarcation in Assessing Food Risk, WorkShop on Paradigms
at Risk Assessment and Uncertainty in Policy Research, May 14-15, University of California, San Diego - INVITED SPEAKER

Teil, G., Barrey, S. Blanchemanche, S., Floux, P. et Hennion, A.
Faire valoir : le marché comme instrument de l’action collective. Le cas des vins à qualité environnementale
in : F. Cantelli et al., Ed(s). Sensibilités pragmatiques. Enquêter sur l'action publique, P.I.E. Peter Lang Bruxelles, (2009), coll. Action Publique

Roosen J., Marette S., Blanchemanche S., Verger P.
Does Health Information Matter for Modifying Consumption? A Field Experiment Measuring the Impact of Risk Information on Fish Consumption
in : Review of Agricultural Economics, (2009), vol. 31, n° 1, pp. 2–20 ; Outstanding Review of Agricultural Economics Article Award 2010

Blanchemanche S., Buche P., Dibie-Barthélemy J., Feinblatt Mélèze E., Ibanescu L., Rona-Tas A.
Ontology Building : an Application in Food Risk Analysis
Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Terminology and Artificial Intelligence Toulouse (France), TIA 2009, November 18-20, 2009.

Blanchemanche S., Treich N., Tello R.
Evaluation socio-économique en appui à la gestion des risques alimentaires
Rapport pour le Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la Pêche, Direction Générale de l'Alimentation (Programme 215, sous action 22).

Marette S., Roosen J., Blanchemanche S.
Taxes and Subsidies to Change Eating Habits when Information is not enough: An Application to Fish Consumption
in : Journal of Regulatory Economics, (2008), vol.34, n° 2, pp. 119–143.

Marette S., Roosen J., Blanchemanche S.
Health information and Substitution between Fish: Lessons from Laboratory and Field Experiments
in : Food Policy, (2008), vol. 33, n° 3. pp. 197–208.

Verger, P., Khalfi, N., Roy, C., Blanchemanche, S., Marette, S., Roosen, J.
Balancing the risk of dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and the benefit of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids of the n-3 variety for French fish consumers in western coastal areas
in : Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment, (2008), vol. 25, n° 6. pp. 765-771.

Blanchemanche S., Marette S., Roosen J., Verger P.
Risk, Health and Uncertainty, Case of Food Safety Regulation
The 38th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology Budapest, Hungary, June 26-30, 2008 et Social Sciences and Humanities facing the Climate Change Challenges, Conference, Paris, Sept 22-23, 2008, E.U. French Presidency. Chairman Session "Risk Communication"

Roosen J., Marette S., Blanchemanche S., Verger P.
The effect of Product Health Information on Liking and Choice
in : Food Quality and Preference, (2007), vol. 18, n° 5. pp. 759-770.

Verger P., Houdart S., Marette S., Roosen J., Blanchemanche S.
Impact of a Risk-Benefit Advisory on Fish Consumption and Dietary Exposure to Methylmercury in France
in : Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, (2007), vol. 48, 259–269.

Blanchemanche S., Marette S., Roosen J., Verger P.
Information and Risk Management. Why Do not Consumers Comply with Regulators’ Expectations?
Risk and Rationalities Conference, Queens’ College, Cambridge, March 2007

Blanchemanche S.
Uncertainty and Collective Decision-Making in a Common Property Market
19th Annual Meeting on Socio-Economics, The Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, Copenhagen, June 28-30 2007

Blanchemanche, S. ; Marette, S. ; Roosen, J. ; Verger, P.
Gestion du risque et information des consommateurs : l’exemple du methyle-mercure dans le poisson
in : INRA Sciences Sociales, n° 1, 4p

Date de modification : 29 août 2023 | Date de création : 26 mai 2014 | Rédaction : Régis Grateau